Spring Break Aspen Valley Trip
Over spring break I went back home to the Roaring Fork valley, south of Steamboat. During the week I was able to ski a few times at some of the local mountains. We first went to Sunlight mountain just outside of Glenwood Springs. Sunlight usually doesn’t get the best of snow but you could really tell they were hurting this year. Even though I wasn’t expecting much because of spring skiing, I was still surprised. Almost every run had a lot of exposure that was hard to avoid. The snow was some of the worst conditions I have ever skied. Heavy slush made an easy groomer almost challenging. Even with the terrible conditions it still is a fun, little resort that’s easy to get back together with friends over break.
Later on in the week we traveled farther up valley and skied Snowmass. This mountain is one of my favorites and I’ve been skiing there for awhile. The conditions were a little better than Sunlight but still not the best. They had a lot more snow to cover the runs and they also actually had a park compared to Sunlight. The overall snow conditions were better but not great. Towards the end of the day it was all slush and just wore you out. Another fun part was that the lifts were open later in the day so we got to ski all we could. After that, going into Snowmass village offers multiple different restaurants. We stopped at Base Camp to have dinner with the sunset. Overall it was laid back spring skiing and a good time to catch up with friends.